Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Knowledge management implementation in supply chains: a strategic plan

Knowledge management implementation in supply chains: a strategic plan:
Knowledge management implementation in supply chains: a strategic plan
Source International Journal of Business Information Systems archive
Volume 4 , Issue 6 (June 2009) table of contents
Pages: 655-672
Year of Publication: 2009
R. Kant Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, 395007, India.
M. D. Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, 211 004, India
Inderscience Publishers Inderscience Publishers, Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Downloads (6 Weeks): n/a, Downloads (12 Months): n/a, Citation Count: 0

Additional Information:

abstract references index terms collaborative colleagues

Tools and Actions: Review this Article
DOI Bookmark: 10.1504/IJBIS.2009.026697


The success of Supply Chains (SCs) depends upon the flow of knowledge among its partners. Knowledge Management (KM) manages individual, group, organisational and network knowledge by using appropriate means and technologies. The main objectives of this paper are to formulate a strategic plan and develop a framework to guide KM implementation in SCs. It has been concluded that KM practices are significantly important and their growth enables SCs to deliver more value to customers.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

水草情迷 • 檢視主題 - 出售高質水草(大割引)

水草情迷 • 檢視主題 - 出售高質水草(大割引): "
因要清缸, 想賣出水草如下:
1) 紅小圓葉(大量) - (每枝$2)
2) 爬地小绿葉(大量) - (每枝$2)
3) 橙小圓葉(大量) - (每枝$2)
4) 小對葉(印度小圓葉) - (每枝$2)
5) 印度紫豔柳(超紅) - (每枝$5)
6) 矮珍珠(HK$10/pack)
7) 高質天葫荽(大量)(HK$10/pack)
8) 文竹(每枝$2)
9) 穀精太陽草(每頭$2)
10) 大水柳-5"~10" 長(每頭$5)

靚種, 肯定已轉水及易種, 比街買平十倍!! 買滿$100送更多! 可說出Budget由小弟幫你拾.
Min. order $50. (小弟花了數萬元購入水草、肥料及設備, 現只想取回部份成本). 九龍站或佐敦站交收. Please call 96506037.

Aquarium2010-2.jpg [ 105.84 KiB | 被瀏覽 2867 次 ]

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Poki Aqua - 水晶蝦餵飼盤Yahoo! 拍賣

Poki Aqua - 水晶蝦餵飼盤Yahoo! 拍賣:

Poki Aqua - 水晶蝦餵飼盤

放進水中 晶瑩剔透


特惠價: $50

Poki Aqua - 日本原裝進口TOTTO溶氧器 (小)

SIZE: 140 x 60 x 25mm

1. 可防止因使用氣石所產生出來的微小氣泡,造成水花四濺

2. 增加溶氧功能:


3. 適合海水缸:


蝦友價: $95 (包郵)

Poki Aqua - 玻璃出入水口 12/16mm

- 仿日本ADA Do!aqua (Type A)玻璃出入水口設計

- 12/16mm

- 出水管是打出水流漩渦式設計,可有效打散水面油膜

- 2mm超厚玻璃管壁,做工精美 (PM等品牌厚度為1mm左右)

- Type A 及 Type B 同價, 用料整體質量比PM優勝

售價: $168

CO2 不銹鋼細化器,長10.5吋。

CO2 不銹鋼細化器,長10.5吋。